de Madi PILLER
2013 / 8mm / couleur / sonore / 1E / 3' 18

Elliot canes his way slowly into the frame in his blue bathrobe, singing Oh what a beautiful morning on the soundtrack’s voice-over. And sits on a bright blue chair, where his breakfast is waiting for him. Eliot Yarmon is 94, still laughing, taking it one spoonful at a time. A sudden acceleration of camera time speeds his day along into darkness, and then he is back in the chair eating his breakfast again, while he sings happy birthday on his answering machine. Soundtrack by Elliot Yarmon.


format de distribution Fichier sur serveur (NTSC)
cadre de projection 4/3 (simple écran)
vitesse de projection 29,976 ips
son son
langue originale anglais
prix de location 27,00 €