de Antoni PINENT
2008-2013 / 35mm / couleur / sonore / 1E / 22' 00

« I have to say it made me a bit proud when I saw Antoni Pinent’s wonderful new film 'G/R/E/A/S/E' – as if a message I had sent out into the world – a message in a can – had arrived and yielded new fruit. Despite its affinity to my own conception of the art of film, I started wondering, how in the world did he do it?!? It's always a good sign when I start asking myself this. The visual splendor of 'G/R/E/A/S/E' is breathtaking. Go watch and enjoy this amazing work – and start wondering, how in the world did Antoni pull it off !?!? » [Peter Tscherkassky, June 04th 2013]


format de distribution 35mm
cadre de projection 2,35 - Scope (simple écran)
vitesse de projection 24 ips
son son optique
langue originale anglais & espagnol
prix de location 105,00 €

format de distribution Fichier sur serveur (FHD)
cadre de projection 2,35 - Scope (simple écran)
vitesse de projection 24 ips
son son
langue originale anglais & espagnol
prix de location 105,00 €