by William MORITZ
1978 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 30' 00

A ceremonial healing film, with footage shot by William Moritz, Harry Frazier, Robert Curtis, Amy Halpern, Phil Stuart and FuDing Cheng, with additional camerawork by Pat O'Neill and Elfriede Fischinger. Music by Robert Curtis, Brian Eno and Tony Selvage.

Starring Roy Barge, James Brownfield, Robert Curtis, Ken Emerald, Harry Frazier, Will Geer, Kent Gordon, Gregg Heacock, Arlyn Helmka, K. Kawakita, Dave Krecke, Howard Lester, Richard Mattsson, William Moritz, Murphy, Rosalie and Ken Newell, Beverly O'Neill, Pat O'Neill, Kosei Ono, Robert Opel, Buddah-John Parker, Margaret Porter, Aggy Reed, Priscilla Rockwell, Jos Schoffeln, Tony Selvage, Rathin Sikdar, Phil Stuart, Sadao Tsukioka, Pat Turnbull, Cal Valadez, Jasper Vance, and holy people everywhere.

"I am fascinated by the theories of Italian Renaissance philosophers Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola and Giordano Bruno, who maintained that a created image = a created event, and therefore all image-makers (and image exhibitors) are responsible for the karma of the subject matter in the pictures that [sic] create (or show); and furthermore, that various images have essentially detrimental or essentially salutary effects. Botticelli derived his VENUS and PRIMAVERA from descriptions of beneficial images in manuals, so I resolved to create a ceremonial film for the healing of a friend, choosing suitable images from Renaissance manuals and rendering them in contemporary terms. The imagery is structured with an introductory sequence of hypnagogic, hypnogenic flashes, an invocation by the Three Graces of the Spirits of the Four Elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Air), and a holy ritual of Aether and ecstasy for the transmutation. Dedicated to the principle that everything exists all the time and always has and always will." — William Moritz


distribution format Digital file on server (SD)
screen 4/3 (single screen)
speed 29,976 fps
sound sound
rental fee 90,00 €