by Matthias MÜLLER
1991 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 6' 00

"She screams. She falls silent. The expectation is terrifying. But what she faces is nothing but the observer's view. She is the observed. Clichés of a melodrama unite into a drama of stereotypes. The brilliant montage of cases in point reveals the mechanism of voyeurism in Home Stories by Matthias Müller." Association of German Film Critics, 1991.


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 54,00 €

distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 54,00 €

distribution format Digital file on server (FHD)
screen 4/3 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 54,00 €

distribution format DCP on server (INTEROP 2K)
screen 4/3 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 54,00 €