1993 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 8' 00

The entrance to a men's toilet in an underground pedestrian passage in Vienna. Church bells are heard in the distance.
In a merciless editing rhythm anonymous men are brought ever closer to the opaque glass door, in rhythmic stanzas they are stucked ever deeper into the invisible room. Intermediate we see photos from a pornographic magazine, in where a tottooed Saviour is placed in a direct connection with the sexual intercourse between two men - all to the sound
of ghastly music. «Prince of Peace» is written under the Redeemer's face. Are bells an impetus or do they represent a Catholic background? Are the refrains telling of a real, existing grey zone, or do they illustrate the imagination? Does the Prince of Peace stand for redemption from a hopeless situation, or for macho-pathos which has got under one's skin too deep? And are the atonal streams of light and sound which emanate from the toilet door at the end repulsive or attractive?
Above and beyond this: oppressively profane, unadorned materialism, the everyday underground, cheap gloss, plain language (simply by covering up naked facts with white paper). At the end, a dedication to a dead friend. (Claus Philipp)


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 26,00 €