by Markus MAICHER
2020 / 16mm / color-b&w / silent / 1S / 4' 17

Images harvested on a farm in Mount Forest, Canada, captured with a hand-cranked Bolex on 16mm sound stock. Hand-processed in buckets in shimmering red light down by the old stables. A glimpse through the cracks, somebody is walking in the meadow, trees and flowers trembling in the wind. A world that only film can see, a material flow emerging from the coupling of camera, celluloid, silver salts, chemicals, light particles and the hand of the filmmaker. The film was entirely processed by hand and chemically treated: overexposed images were brought back to life with bleach, other images were solarized and reversed.


distribution format Digital file on server (4K)
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 34,00 €

distribution format DCP on server (SMPTE 4K)
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 34,00 €