by Lena Ditte NISSEN
2013 / 16mm / b&w / sound / 1S / 10' 00

KORONA poetically describes the subjective physical and psychological experience of a recurring subversion of the self-experience of a young woman. The whispered narration from the perspective of the speaker, and the reduced use of minimal black and white images leads the viewer further and further into the inner of a mythical state of being, that is neither an end nor a solution.


distribution format DCP on server (SMPTE 2K)
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 25 fps
sound sound
original language German
rental fee 44,00 €

distribution format Digital file on server (SD)
screen 16/9 (single screen)
speed 25 fps
sound sound
original language German
translation English (Embedded subtitles)
rental fee 44,00 €