by Nicky HAMLYN
2020-2021 / 16mm / color-b&w / silent / 1S / 26' 39
A chronological study of the view from a single window, shot over eighteen months and making extensive use of time-lapse filming. The work is underpinned by Siegfried Kracauer's assertion that we can never exhaust the field of view.
distribution format |
16mm |
duration |
24' 00 |
screen |
1,37 (single screen) |
speed |
24 fps |
sound |
silent |
rental fee |
105,00 € |
distribution format |
Digital file on server (FHD) |
screen |
1,33 (single screen) |
speed |
24 fps |
sound |
silent |
rental fee |
105,00 € |