by Moucle BLACKOUT
1969 / 16mm / color-b&w / sound / 1S / 5' 00

A film of repetition that is based on a mathematical principle. There is no story. A man enters through a doorway, crosses a room, sits down at a table, fills his pipe, then lights it and starts smoking. The scene of 720 frames has been divided up into six portions of equal length, and the film begins with Part 1. The action then repeats, and Part 2 begins. The film’s parts all begin with what has already been shown, and then something new is added. The constant repetition of the images produces the impression of manic behavior.

Structural scheme for WALK IN:
Tx = 120 frames = 1 part of the ground material.
T1+T2+T3+T4+T5+T6 = 720 frames = total ground material, segmented in 6 equal parts of 120 frames each.
A+B+C+D+E+F = total length of film.
A = T1, B = A+T2, C = A+B+T3, D = A+B+C+T4, E = A+B+C+D+T5, F = A+B+C+D+E+T6.
20 = 1A = T1
21 = 2 B = [T1+T2]
22 = 4 C = (T1+[T1+T2]+T3)
23 = 8 D = [T1+[T1+T2]+(T1+[T1+T2]+T3)+T4]
24 = 16 E = T1+[T1+T2]+(T1+[T1+T2]+T3)+[T1+[T1+T2]+(T1+[T1+T2]+T3)+T4]+T5
25 = 32 F = T1+[T1+T2]+(T1+[T1+T2]+T3)+[T1+[T1+T2]+(T1+[T1+T2]+ T3)+T4]+T1+[T1+T2]+ (T1+[T1+T2]+T3)+[T1+[T1+T2]+(T1+[T1+T2]+T3)+T4]+T5+T6

63 parts 120 frames each = 7.560 frames = 5´15" total length.


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 26,00 €