© Sheri Wills 2023

© Sheri Wills 2023

© Sheri Wills 2023

© Sheri Wills 2023


by Sheri WILLS
2023 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 8' 47

IRIS is a short experimental film that uses found 16mm footage, original tape loops, and vintage recordings to explore attention, suspension, and the slippage between language, music, and aural phantoms – all focused outside of the boundaries of the recommended range.
In early cinema the iris shot was used to gradually begin or end a scene and to focus audiences' attention on something of importance in the shot; it mimics the opening and closing iris in the human eye.


distribution format Digital file on server (UHD)
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 50,00 €

distribution format Digital file on server (FHD)
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 50,00 €