by Laurence FAVRE new filmmaker
2017 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 10' 59

Beyond its majestic appearance sporadic elements reveal the glaciers fragility. Objects regurgitated through the melt witness the presence of mankind, leaving scars. Neverending sounds of collapsing ice blocks reveal the symptoms of an evident decrease. This landscape that at first seemed motionless appears permanently changing. Yet in tension this magnificent and frightening body of ice and stones stands, impressive, resisting.


distribution format Digital file on server (FHD)
screen 16/9 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
original language English
rental fee 48,00 €

distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
original language English
rental fee 48,00 €