by Pierre ROVERE
1976 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 9' 23

The base sequence of Iris is a constructed cycle of coloured events followed by its copy chromatically inverted though a non compliant lab process. This sequence is then again copied-inverted, and so forth, each new sequence generating in turn the next one. Through this process, each subsequent generation complicates and enriches picture. The result is quite impressive.

The sound, produced on a frequency synthesizer (oscillators and filters), punctuates the invert-copy sequences.

The film is also available in the form of a "cinegraphic frame" (also called "film structure"), i.e. a surface measuring approx. 93 cm x 161 cm, where the temporal evolution is displayed in two dimensions.
The exhibition of the “cinegraphic frame” is suggested along with the film screening. Price per exhibition day: same as the film rental fee


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 52,00 €

distribution format Digital file on server
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
sound sound
rental fee 52,00 €

distribution format DCP on server (SMPTE 2K)
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 52,00 €