by Tony WU
2001 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 19' 00

PSYCHO SHOWER is an experimental animation using cross medium (film image on video to photography, photography to film), degeneration (3 generations), reproduction, repetition and anti-dramatic climax. The film recreates a part of Hitchcock's classic horror movie ; PSYCHO attempts to use the concept of single framing to investigate film's essential elements. I take stills from television monitor of the famous shower scene, only bathing without murder. Then refilm the stills one by one in and out of continuity to deconstruct the original text of traditional dramatic structure. Also, I use enlarged part of the image, stop motion, and absence of image (representing murder) to break up the traditional viewing experience and the way audience expect the dramatic climax - in this film, there is no murder rather the audience experience, for 20 minutes, only the pleasure sight of a woman enjoying her shower.


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 79,00 €