by Colas RICARD
2001 / Super 8mm / color-b&w / sound / 1S / 6' 15

Tandem is a correspondence film.

Indeed, image and sound were made in autonomy on the basis of a script concerned by an analogy between film and train: the image of Epinal (France) and the sound in Montréal (Quebec).
This script was very precise with construction cues but still let wide parts without indication excerpt for few intentions for durations.
During the year the work moved on, the two directors never shared any image or sound but only intentions and durations and never met, only communicating by email.
At the end of the process, image and sound work were joined. Only a few modifications were done on synchronization.

Made around common intentions, image and sound work together in an unexpected and disconcerting audiovisual confrontation.


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 35,00 €