by Thomas BARTELS
2003 / 35mm / color / sound / 1S / 17' 00

The film is a poem. The title is turkish, as many pictures originate from Istanbul. The film title in English is «Carousel». The pictures rotate. The film is comprised of film loops and photo panoramas, hand-coloured or colour-filtered. The music also turns in a circle. The music composed by Mercan Dede is influenced by the rhythms of dancing dervishes. Based on original sounds and his own loops, Wolgang in der Wiesche succeeded in creating a sound track to match the collage character of the pictures. The result is a whirlwind that sweeps away the audience onto a magic journey.


distribution format 35mm
screen 1,85 - Panoramic (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 58,00 €