by Carl BROWN & Michael SNOW
2004 / 16mm / color / sound / 2S / 30' 00

The time......duration of time historical/chronological filmic movement temporal in it's texture carved in it's emulsion the progression of the's wheels turn on the big wheel to once again begin a journey that has been repeated over and over....real time....over time...San Francisco Treat, a media image carved into our mine over time...America....the combining of manual labour...the turning of the wooden wheel pre- industrial....and the mechanics of the machine / metal electrical ... move up hill....Sisyphean in nature....the elongation of that five minute duration of the manual turning of the big wheel to begin the journey....a thirty minute journey through space.. structure...the languor of viewing the texts ... texture...rhythm...step into the screen front to back....the constant kinetic energy from screen to screen...allows for easy entry...the visual primer thickens

...molecular movement grains tacking recticulation dried crystal bleach formation
liquid emulision solarized sabbitier optical printing
ttoning splittoning bleaching long drawn bleaching muted duration
toning crystal sync...

....just to name a few of the processes that take place for the duration to have it's time and place...the thousands of splices felt like triage...»the action of sorting according to quality: the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind»....and the side to side adventure is the measurement to begin...the breakdown of earth...the work chemical/man..industrial as old as the technology that brought us the streetcar...yet the application so modern that a computer program when applied cannot alter it's nature....natural erosion organic colour life memory senses


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (double screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 132,00 €