by Nicolas REY
2005 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 123' 00
The film begins like a documentary film about winter sports, if a rather unusual one. But then it turns to the topic of the industrial production of aluminum. Using the examples of these surprisingly connected themes, it recalls important phases of 20th-century industrial history and raises questions about the relationship between industry and the state.
distribution format |
16mm |
screen |
1,37 (single screen) |
speed |
24 fps |
sound |
optical sound |
original language |
French |
rental fee |
170,00 € |
distribution format |
16mm |
screen |
1,37 (single screen) |
speed |
24 fps |
sound |
optical sound |
original language |
French |
translation |
English (Embedded subtitles) |
rental fee |
170,00 € |