by Rose LOWDER
2002-2003 / 16mm / color / silent / 1S / 4' 00

BOUQUET 25 (2002) was shot in Cantal, around Le Tahoul, the Falgoux Valley and the Aulac Pass. This reel mingles the few flowers uneaten by the Salers cows with the village residents going about their affairs.

BOUQUET 26 (2003) was filmed in the middle of the animals of a small farm, La Terra di Mezzo, perched on hillside terraces of Liguria, Italy.

BOUQUET 27 (2003) moves around a macrobiotic centre in St. Gaudens, Haute-Garonne. Amongst glimpses of the surrounding countryside leading to the village of St. Béat, it shows its residents working on the land, repairing items or making rice biscuits.


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 18 or 24 fps
sound silent
rental fee 24,00 €