9,5>16 is with no doubt the achievement of film researches conducted ten years ago on «rayograms» (see Man Ray's «ciné-rayogrammes») and researches on «table printing». 9,5>16 is a pure «rayogram» film, without any figurative pattern, maybe realized in «rayogram» by a experienced cameraman thanks to one or two reels, 9,5mm leader, B&W 16mm printing film (Kodak 7302 or equivalent) and with the sparkle of an empty lighter. "9,5>16" ? "9 1/2" ! It seems to me it is necessary to clarify this to avoid misunderstandings.
distribution format |
16mm |
screen |
1,37 (single screen) |
speed |
24 fps |
sound |
silent |
rental fee |
21,00 € |
distribution format |
Digital file on server (PAL) |
screen |
4/3 (single screen) |
speed |
25 fps |
sound |
silent |
rental fee |
21,00 € |