This film is included in the following DVD:

by Germaine DULAC


by Germaine DULAC
1927 / 35mm / b&w / silent / 1S / 40' 00

« We should not look for logic or a sequence which is not present in thing, but interpret images which develop in the direction of their essential intimate significance which goes from outside to the inside. LA COQUILLE ET LE CLERGYMAN does not tell a story but develops a series of mental states which are deduced from each other as thought is from thought. » - Antonin Artaud

This film is available with an audio description in French.

NB: Two films conceived by Nicolas Droin and Prosper Hillairet about "The Seashell" are available on demand:

- SURIMPRESSIONS, 2009, 33 min, black and white
“In Surimpressions, four commentators take a multi-faceted view (history, aesthetics, feminism), of Germaine Dulac’s The Seashell and the Clergyman (La Coquille et le Clergyman) based on the screenplay by Antonin Artaud, from its genesis, to its place in the history of cinema.”
Participants: Alain Virmaux, Sandy Flitterman-Lewis, Tami Williams, Prosper Hillairet

- TUMULTES AUX URSULINES, 2008, 15 min, colour
“A revisiting of the disturbances during the Premiere of the film at the Studio des Ursulines on 9 February 1928, when the Surrealists, lead by Breton and Aragon, caused an uproar during the screening.”
Narrated by Alain Virmaux, interview: Prosper Hillairet

Exclusive North America distribution : Jon Gartenberg Media :


distribution format 35mm
version restored version
notes Restoration done in 2004 by Catherine Cormon of the Nederlands Filmmuseum in collaboration with Light Cone.
screen 1,33 (single screen)
speed 18 fps
sound silent
rental fee 212,00 €

distribution format 16mm
version restored version
notes Restoration done in 2004 by Catherine Cormon of the Nederlands Filmmuseum in collaboration with Light Cone.
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 18 fps
sound silent
rental fee 212,00 €

distribution format 35mm
version restored version
notes Restoration done in 2004 by Catherine Cormon of the Nederlands Filmmuseum in collaboration with Light Cone (print made in 2010).
screen 1,33 (single screen)
speed 18 fps
sound silent
rental fee 212,00 €

distribution format Digital file on USB stick (FHD)
version restored version
notes New restoration by Éclair Classics (2021). Restoration and digitization with the support of the CNC, under the direction of Light Cone.
screen 4/3 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound silent
rental fee 212,00 €

distribution format DCP on USB stick (SMPTE 4K)
version restored version
notes New restoration by Éclair Classics (2021). Restoration and digitization with the support of the CNC, under the direction of Light Cone.
screen 4/3 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound silent
rental fee 212,00 €

distribution format 35mm
version restored version
notes New restoration by Éclair Classics (2021). Restoration and digitization with the support of the CNC, under the direction of Light Cone.
screen 1,33 (single screen)
speed 18 fps
sound silent
rental fee 212,00 €

distribution format DCP on USB stick (SMPTE 4K)
version Audio description version
screen 4/3 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound silent
rental fee 212,00 €

distribution format DCP on server (INTEROP 4K)
version restored version
notes New restoration by Éclair Classics (2021). Restoration and digitization with the support of the CNC, under the direction of Light Cone.
screen 4/3 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound silent
rental fee 212,00 €

distribution format Digital file on server (FHD)
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound silent
rental fee 212,00 €