by Peter GIDAL
1969 / 16mm / b&w / sound / 1S / 10' 00

An edge of the frenetic frame defining the void. The only (obvious) repetition of images of the shaken aircraft along the lower edge is the clue where the analysis will reveal the (looped) structure. CLOUDS is a complex triple repetition, with negative superimpositions between three fragments, each of which is divided into three (discontinuous) planes. Mental activation oriented towards material analysis is the procedure that is relevant here, whether the actual structure is "revealed" or "not".
The anti-illusionist project initiated by Clouds is that of dialectical materialism. There's nothing inside the screen. Obsessive repetition as a materialistic practice, not as psychoanalytical complacency.


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 40,00 €