by Antoni PINENT
2009 / 35mm / b&w / sound / 1S / 1' 36

'Conceptual Cameraless Film Work'.

The title KINOSTURM KUBELKA refers to the well-known Austrian avant-garde filmmaker Peter Kubelka, maker of the influential 1960 "metric film" Arnulf Rainer. Arnulf Rainer consisted solely of black and white frames in 35mm, in highly organized visual and sonic patterns.

In tribute, Antoni Pinent divided Arnulf Rainer by four. Using Kubelka's system of organizing black & white frames, Pinent divided each 35mm frame into four and assigned each fourth of a frame either black or white.

Because there is a set of four sprocket holes on each side of the film strip, a frame of KINOSTURM KUBELKA can be seen four different ways: right side up, upside down, right side up and backwards, upside down and backwards. It all depends on how one chooses to load the film into the projector. Further, because each frame is divided into four, and the imagery consists solely of black or white, the usual framelines no longer apply; any individual sprocket hole could potentially be the top hole of a frame. Thus, there are sixteen different ways to project KINOSTURM KUBELKA. There is no "leader" or cue for the projectionist to line up the "right" perforation in the projector; therefore, "randomness makes the projector decide which version of the 16 projects."

Excerpt text from the exhibition:
Projectionist Please Read!
Projection Instructions as Film Literature
Decatur Book Festival, August 30 - 31, 2014
Atlanta, USA
curated by Andy Ditzler


distribution format 35mm
screen 1,33 - Silent (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 20,00 €