by William E. JONES
1991 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 70' 00

William E. Jones returns to his hometown to construct an unconventional and moving autobiography. Challenging some of the most firmly entrenched notions of filmmaking, MASSILLON tells its story without a single human actor, by combining beautiful images with a seductive voice-over narration.

"Ever-provocative and decidedly original." - Kevin Thomas, The Los Angeles Times

"William Jones' MASSILLON is that rarity that eluded the queer new wave, a homo road movie in which gay icons are nowhere to be seen. MASSILLON uses the quiet landscapes of the American Midwest to look at a history disfigured by myths of the family, patriotism, and religion." - Lawrence Chua, Artforum

"The film's payoff is its seamless coitus of the personal with the political." - Edward Ball, The Village Voice


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 186,00 €