by Telemach WIESINGER
2012 / 16mm / b&w / sound / 1S / 20' 00

For the film poem Telemach Wiesinger develops his own image of Europe. In this series, featuring sequence shots of approximatly 2,5 minutes in length, France, Ireland, Germany, Greece and Switzerland are in the field of vision. Chapter Seven was shot together with the director Daniel Schmid on the roof of his parent's hotel close to the sky, his last presence in front of a camera before his death.
The sound was made by Andreas Gogol. Together with Wiesinger, they won the TEAM-WORK_AWARD at the Festival for Expanded Media Filmwinter Stuttgart in 2007.
(Stephen Dedalus, 2012)

Seven Chapters:
France, Honfleur with Wolfgang Lehmann
Irland, Dublin with Michael Wiesinger
Deutschland-Switzerland Borderline with Markus Dörner
Deutschland, München with Ole Ott
Hellas with Jasmin Matzakow and Georgios Kokolatos
Switzerland, Flims-Waldhaus with Dieter Krauss, Wolfgang Lehmann and Daniel Schmid


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 66,00 €