by Larry JORDAN
2012 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 10' 00

Many of the approaches to the cut-out material are the same as in part I, however II is a much different film. It is more meditative.It has a somewhat slower pace. I tried to let the cut-outs float more gracefully. Again, John Davis' music forms an integral part of the meditation. I have used that word 'meditation' because that is how some very astute friends of mine described it to me on first viewing.
The approach is partly planned, partly improvised under the camera. There has been little or no editing outside the camera for many years in my animation. All effects are done in camera.
"What is it about? Wrong question. It's about you watching, and falling into the dream." Michael Atkinson--'Lawrence Jordan's Road to
Utopia', Fandor web site.


distribution format 16mm (PAL)
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 39,00 €