by Gustav DEUTSCH
2009 / 35mm / color / sound / 1S / 93' 00

Once upon a time cinema was born of the spirit of fairground attractions, sleight of hand and fireworks (genesis). The world of moving images, glowing deep red (paradeisos), was soon populated by all kinds of rejoicing figures, who jumped, crawled and rolled in groups through forests and over dunes. Later man opened his wall safe to woman with the code word eros; a little finger was kissed tenderly, a violent grab was met with his hand being bitten. The age of masquerades, games of hide and seek, and playacting had begun. The hands of strange men loaded and bent female bodies. Phallic objects injected desire and death (thanatos). After the birth of the (imaginary) round man the preference shifted to seeing bodies in pairs (symposium).
"To be continued" comes at the end. Using images "from the first four and a half decades of cinematography," taken from 11 archives across the world, Gustav Deutsch has constructed a musical "film drama in five acts." In detail, the editing of Film Ist. is again based on visual analogies, the external similarity of bodies, objects, movements and narratives. The film constructs its own amazing attractions from the juxtaposition of documentary, fictional, pornographic, scientific and propaganda images that are literally alien to their original purpose. In other words, they are images that do not necessarily belong together, though they create visual contexts.
The central thread is supplied by ancient mythology, fragmentary quotes of Hesiod, Sappho and Plato. And a line leads from the ancients to the mythical stories that cinema is still telling. Film is: a girl and a gun.


distribution format 35mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 296,00 €