
by Johanna VAUDE
1999 / Super 8mm / color / sound / 1S / 6' 43

Synopsis : This film has been shot one image after another, based on already existing images, paintings, photos : Vésale’s “the écorchés”, drawings by Agipa de Nettesheim and Leonardo da Vinci, photos by Muybridge, Marey, Londe, architectural plans… These still images are knocked together to give the movement, rhythm and echo necessary to refer to these times where Man has tried to find through research, science, philosophy and art the concept and sentiment of Totality. The editing image by image allows us to explain the connections that link each image, their contents and their symbols. Like a synthesis, through the prism of Totality, the film shows all these questions and researches about Man and his world.

Technique : hybridization of photos, of drawings filmed on Hi8 video and on Super-8, hand painting film.


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 22,00 €