Norman McLaren (Stirling, Scotland 1914 - Canada 1987) created a unique world of animated movement via an enormous range of innovative techniques: camera-less film, pixilation, drawn sound, animated objects. Between 1933 and 1981, using drawing, dance, music, paint, mime, cut-outs, he made sixty films, and won over 200 international awards in festivals all over the world, including an Oscar for the pixillated pacifist fable NEIGHBOURS in 1952, and the Palme d’Or for Best Short Film at the 1955 Cannes festival for BLINKITY BLANK.
"At the outbreak of World War II, Norman McLaren left London for New York, where he remained over a year before joining the National Film Board of Canada and becoming a world leader in experimental animation. Almost destitute in New York, McLaren worked briefly for the Guggenheim Museum and for animator Mary Ellen Bute." - Cecile Starr
1940 / 35mm / color / sound / single screen / 4' 51 / 32 € distribution: DCP on server or Digital file on server |
1939 / 35mm / color / sound / single screen / 7' 54 / 34 € distribution: Digital file on server |