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Atelier 105, en résidence / March 14, 2022


Seven short poems are introduced both in Korean and in English. Each scene is represented by a poem and composed of symbolic images and sounds.

"This is a film about the process of grief and facing the loss of my father. It tells the story of where it has left me as well as the last moments I had with him. Not only is this my own method of processing these complex emotions but it is also my way of sharing this experience with others who have and will go through the same experience. It was crucial for this project to be shot on film because the format holds a symbolic significance. Just like film, grief needs time to be processed and to be taken care of gently."

SooHyun Jamie Kim is an experimental filmmaker/artist born in Seoul, South Korea, currently studying at EICAR in Paris.


address Atelier 105
157 rue de Crimée
75019 Paris
tel +33 (0)1 46 59 01 53
email atelier105@lightcone.org