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Atelier 105, en résidence / May 4, 2023


In search of trails and footprints of an absence, this film focuses on the coexistence of nature and human made structures and artefacts to convey a formal object for remembrance. An obscure celebration of the surface of a world fractured and exhausted, this could be a city symphony but it feels more like a mausoleum for our present existence.

Pablo Marín is a filmmaker and writer. As an independent researcher and curator, he has presented programmes on Argentinean cinema in the United States, Canada, Spain, Austria, Finland and Switzerland. He has translated books by Jonas Mekas, Stan Brakhage and John Waters, among others, and his volume on Argentine experimental cinema, Una luz revelada. El cine experimental argentino, was published in both Argentina and Spain by La Vida Útil in 2022. His film Resistfilm (2014) won the best Avant-Garde Film at Filmadrid, and his latest, Trampa de luz (2021), was awarded the Principal Online Prize of the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen.


address Atelier 105
157 rue de Crimée
75019 Paris
tel 01 46 59 01 53
email atelier105@lightcone.org