by Patrick DE HAAS
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The roaring twenties: Marcel Duchamp, László Moholy-Nagy, Luis Buñuel, Hans Richter, Fernand Léger, Francis Picabia, Len Lye, Man Ray, Walter Ruttmann, Dziga Vertov and many others revolted.

This book aims to analyse the singular trajectories that have led these artists to cinema, around the dimensions that characterise it and that reduce the narrative pretext: movement, light, the machine. For example, discussions around Bergson and Marey on the nature (continuous/discontinuous) of the movement are therefore convened. The lively aesthetic and political debates that these films initiate, between the exaltation of new forms and the call for new forms of life, lead here to a stimulating reassessment of the notions of avant-garde and experimentation.

After having published a first approach in 1985, Patrick de Haas gives here probably the most complete book on the subject. He has taught contemporary art history and experimental film history at the University of Paris-1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne). Particularly interested in the avant-garde, he has published texts on Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Andy Warhol and others.


author Patrick DE HAAS
city and year of publication Paris, 2018
binding Paperback
pages 812
language French
ISBN 9782865891115