roman - film

by Maurice LEMAÎTRE
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May 06: after the GRJM (Great World Juvenile Justice Revolution) has taken place, trials begin for those guilty of bad cinema in the past and the present. The indictment of the main character of this fiction reproduces in facsimile many texts by the artist Maurice Lemaître in an unprecedented layout combining texts, drawings, signs and photographs.

Three levels of reading intertwine: the actual text of the novel, written in an implacable and inimitable style; documents, letters, excerpts from manifesto texts or correspondences; and finally, the re-picking of newspaper clippings, press extracts and images diverted from their trivial use. Lemaître's "hyper-graphic" gesture gives the whole a perfect coherence and a unique form. This work thus continues the author's monumental work in both personal dimensions (prefiguring today's "auto-fiction") and in the hyper-autobiographical dimension of multi-sign communication (going beyond the simple two-dimensional comic book or the banal illustrated novel). Printed in four-colour process, the book consists of 33 original collage plates.


author Maurice LEMAÎTRE
city and year of publication Paris, 2005
binding Paperback
pages 34
language French
ISBN 2-912539-26-9