1924-1926 / 35mm / b&w / sound / 1S / 5' 20

"When I saw this, I assumed the filmmaker had seen the triptychs from Gance’s NAPOLEON (1927). But NAPOLEON was stripped of its three screens in the United States, and this appears to have been made earlier. The Italian Ambrosio Company used a similar technique for 1920s travelogues." - Kevin Brownlow
"Based on the poem "Voices and Visions" (1893), and subsequently as "In Youth, Beside the Lonely Sea" (1896 and thereafter) written by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836-1907), an American writer, critic and long-time editor of The Atlantic Monthly.”- Bruce Posner / Dan Streible
"The picture image is a series of 3 panels, with the center panel telling the main story, with the side panels sometimes related to the center imagery, sometimes not. The center panel is just about twice as wide as the 2 side panels. The aspect ratio is roughly about 2.3 to 2.4. There are various special effects (ghosts, fairies, and such) which move through the panels from time to time. There are no titles per say, but the imagery is set to a poem, the lines of which appear above and below the imagery. For those of you that have seen triptych sequences in NAPOLEON, you get a feel for the look of the film, though the poem is presented both above and below the picture." - Kenneth Weissman (Library of Congress)


distribution format Digital file on server (FHD)
duration 5' 56
screen 16/9 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 26,00 €