by Sarah PUCILL
2016 / 16mm / color-b&w / sound / 1S / 68' 00

Amidst a visual extravaganza of costumes and hand-made sets, Sarah Pucill's new film Confessions To The Mirror takes its title, from the French Surrealist artist, Claude Cahun’s (1894-1954) incomplete memoir (Confidences au miroir, 1945-1954). Following Cahun’s text, the film includes Cahun’s early and later life and work including her political propaganda activity and imprisonment in Jersey with her partner Suzanne Malherbe during the Nazi occupation of the island. The tracing of a life is made conscious through the projection of images of the couples home in Jersey into a domestic London setting.
As a sequel to Pucill's previous film, Magic Mirror (16mm, b/w, 75min, 2013), Confessions To The Mirror continues Pucill's experiment to bring cinematic life to the photographic and written archive of Claude Cahun. In her new film Pucill animates re-stagings of Cahun’s black and white self-portrait and still-life photographs with voices from Cahun's text Confidences au miroir, collaging and transposing Cahun's black and white stills and words, into colour and soundscape.
Funded by Arts Council of England, Financial Assistance University of Westminster (London Film Festival Premiere)


distribution format Digital file on HDD (FHD)
screen 1,66 (single screen)
speed 25 fps
sound sound
original language English
translation French (Embedded subtitles)
rental fee 173,00 €