1987 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 12' 00

"Glimpse of cities, countryside, rivers. Intriguing, fleeting images of Florence, London and particularly Paris -clearly the filmmaker’s home, so intense is his vision of it, so strong his attraction to its lifeblood, the Seine. The eerie colors of the bateau-mouche floodlights blend with a purely filmic chromatic intensity. The textures, the meticulous montage, the alluring colors, create something of the same celebration of place through provocative artifice found in Christo’s wrapped Pont Neuf (which is fleetingly seen in the film). Bringing some of Amoroso ’s Roman passion home to the city which inspired the imposing formality of his earlier films, Beauvais begins to merge the two poles of his works. The synthesis is exciting. " Scott Hammen.

This film is a series of shot or found sequences (about, of cities that I frequent) which, in the editing, display a fluidity and continuity eluding narration. The sequences are shaped by the editing according to various arrangements which respect the film possible direction: passage from one place to another, from one moment to another. To pass, bridging one point to another, is to transform oneself, become other. The film employs certain leitmotivs which relauch the flow and facilitate diverse transformations of scattered sensations. This film, although renewing lyricism, does not deny formalism which it uses in another manner, while taking into account the meaning/possible meanings produced through linking images and their evocative passage.


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 42,00 €

distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 42,00 €