by Jessica Sarah RINLAND
2017-2018 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 43' 09

BLACK POND explores a common land in the south of England, and the natural history society who occupy it. After two years of filming, the rushes were shown to the society - their memories and responses were recorded and used as the film's narration. The film does not give access to complete knowledge of the history of humans within the area. Instead, it explores more generally, human's relationship with and within landscape and nature.

post production: ATELIER 105


distribution format Digital file on USB stick (FHD)
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 25 fps
sound sound
original language English
translation Spanish (Embedded subtitles)
rental fee 189,00 €

distribution format Digital file on USB stick (FHD)
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 25 fps
sound sound
original language English
translation English (Embedded subtitles)
rental fee 189,00 €

distribution format DCP on USB stick (SMPTE 2K)
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 25 fps
sound sound
original language English
rental fee 189,00 €

distribution format DCP on USB stick (SMPTE 2K)
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 25 fps
sound sound
original language English
translation Spanish (Embedded subtitles)
rental fee 189,00 €