"RHYTHMUS 23 is constructed entirely out of the interplay between square shapes and diagonal lines, often related via superimposition, and the underlying architectonic principle is geometric symmetry. In the opening of the film, for example, two white squares on the left and right sides of the screen move towards each other along an axially symmetric path until they finally “fuse” into a larger white square, before breaking apart into shrinking squares that careen off diagonally, in parallel with one another. At the end of the film, this same sequence re-appears, but this time inverted, with black squares moving against a white background.As a favour to his old friend Tristan Tzara, the film was premiered in Paris during the final Dada soiree on 6 July 1923. (18) This has led many critics to mistakenly read it, and indeed all of Richter’s abstract work as Dada, despite the fact that his writings and films demonstrate a much stronger affinity with the rationalist systemiticity of Constructivism." – Richard Suchenski
distribution format |
16mm |
screen |
1,37 (single screen) |
speed |
18 fps |
sound |
silent |
rental fee |
32,00 € |
distribution format |
16mm |
screen |
1,37 (single screen) |
speed |
18 fps |
sound |
silent |
rental fee |
32,00 € |
distribution format |
Digital file on server (HD) |
screen |
1,37 (single screen) |
speed |
24 fps |
sound |
silent |
rental fee |
32,00 € |
distribution format |
16mm |
screen |
1,37 (single screen) |
speed |
18 fps |
sound |
silent |
rental fee |
32,00 € |