by Milja VIITA
2025 / 16mm & 8mm & Super 8mm / color-b&w / sound / 1S / 63' 00
SKÖNÄRIT is a collage film about seafarers based on footage shot around the globe by the sailors themselves. ‘Skönäri’ is old Finnish sailor slang, meaning a seafarer. The script is based on the logbooks, letters and telegrams the filmmaker obtained alongside the footage from a small Finnish port town called Rauma. Through the tragic true-life story of a young sailor, Jalmar Yrjänen, the film shows the life of those working at sea at the mercy of the natural elements, while also touching upon themes of colonialism and globalization.
distribution format |
DCP on server (SMPTE 4K) |
screen |
1,37 (single screen) |
speed |
24 fps |
sound |
sound |
original language |
Finn & French |
translation |
English (Separate subtitles file) |
rental fee |
208,00 € |