by Antonietta PIZZORNO & Pierre ROVERE
1972-1974 / 16mm / b&w / sound / 1S / 5' 10

Neither center of the frame, nor center of the object: over the course of nearly the whole film, in the absence of any focal point for the gaze, the eye navigates along a boundary - shadow/light, presence/absence - where both areas have the same amount of intensity. Either just over or just under the threshold of perception of movement: skin, shadow, light, material texture transmitted and transformed by the sound.

Image : Saul Shapiro. Sound : with the guidance and teaching of Michel Fano

"Less fragile but no less poignant, the very beautiful PRESENCE by Antonietta Pizzorno, Pierre Rovere (...) and Saul Shapiro, with the strange music by Fano, offers a series of static extreme close-ups of barely recognizable body parts (the back? stomach muscles?), of a nail in the wall, of a gently moving sheet. It can only be compared with AI (LOVE) by Iimura or NEW YORK NEAR SLEEP FOR SASKIA by Peter Hutton." -Coquecigrue, L'Art Vivant, May '75


distribution format Digital file on server (FHD)
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 39,00 €

distribution format DCP on server (SMPTE 2K)
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound sound
rental fee 39,00 €