by Peter GIDAL
1973 / color / silent / 1S / 55' 00

In Warhol's Thirteen Most Beautiful Women (1965) and Gidal's Heads (1969), which extend the device, the limits are those, classic, of the frame, the fixed or semi-fixed shot, the portrait, the close-up or very close-up, and especially the series; Each prison plane does not end up being dug from within by the strangeness that any encounter with any face causes, this proximity so powerfully affirmed, this over-presence, fronts us back to the experience of the unknown in the self. With ROOM FILM 73 by Gidal, a film that explores an infinite number of rooms and from which all human presence seems absent, we are sent back to another limit, the most decisive, that of the non-visible, the unreadable. Room Film 73 is a very important film because it exhausts the forbidden ways of filming in classical cinema: the blurred, the obscure, the repetitive, the insistent, the moving, the trembling, the chopped... the visual means of working on the unidentifiable in the description form a real experience of the limits: what encloses us most are our perceptive habits, as such Room Film 73 is the general opposite of cinema." Nicole Brenez.


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 - Standard (single screen)
speed 18 fps
sound silent
rental fee 184,00 €