by Christina BATTLE
2005 / 16mm / color / sound / 1S / 7' 50

traveling through an invented landscape…the space between here and there.

An abstract film made by applying colour tape directly onto emulsion and exposing it to light. The film presents colour fields in motion, though for the most part the ground is white like a gessoed canvas, and filled with a moving curtain of dust and hair and spots. In order to relieve the regularity (the tyranny?) of the projector’s 24 frame per second pulse, freeze frames are introduced, showing up and isolating a jagged crimson edge, an orange wall with its soft cracks, a yellow corner. After isolating, and setting apart colours in the film’s opening movement, they are brought together in a careening, flickering collage in the film’s second minute. Anticipating and then re-blending the afterimages of these ragged colour fields, the palette slowly darkens as the layers accumulate, canceling out the brilliance of “pure” colours. A visceral, physical cinema making the eyeballs sweat. Hidden colour codes of the synapses firing: a new thought is being born, and a new movie to accompany it. [Mike Hoolboom, 2007]


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 40,00 €