by Fern SILVA
2009 / 16mm / color-b&w / sound / 1S / 10' 00

Fern Silva’s Sahara Mosaic reworks the experimental travelogue by describing the travel of an idea, or an idea of travel. From Egypt to
the Vegas Strip, the night sky lit with neon camels, a sign advertising the McArabia special, and a double-take-inducing advertising image of a smiling man with two mouths, Silva journeys far
and wide to describe the sordid every place of the tourist. Glimpsed in rushed, off-kilter horizons, the Sahara, if we ever have a chance to see it fully, is inevitably tangled with the ways it is packaged and sold.
-Genevieve Yue, Reverse Shot

Sahara Mosaic is an orientalist kaleidoscope that constitutes a geographically complex, yet cinematic whole. From Egypt to Las Vegas: the old and the new world are reflected and doubled in this experimental travelogue.
-International Film Festival Rotterdam

Morning call, dispatch. Did you remember me or not. I hope that you are okay also. I hope to see you again and again. Frequency, wavelength, connection. The earth spilling up and out. We are always looking to see. Oasis, receptivity. Satellites are bridges. Loudspeakers gesture our touch. Sun glare on the interface. Medium
is monument, riding over passing through. Recreation as re-creation. Painting blue more blue.
-Corrine Fitzpatrick


distribution format 16mm
screen 1,37 (single screen)
speed 24 fps
sound optical sound
rental fee 35,00 €