Alexandra KARELINA

Alexandra Karelina (born in 1988 in Moscow) is an independent director of documentaries and experimental films.

She has been practicing photography since 2006 and working as a video artist since 2015. She graduated from the British Higher School of Art and Design (Moscow), the Institute of Contemporary Art (Moscow), and the Moscow School of New Cinema. Since 2018, Alexandra has been working with 16mm film. 

Alexandra's works have participated in international exhibitions and film festivals such as the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Oberhausen Film Festival, Image Forum Tokyo, Le Guess Who?, MIEFF, and many others. Her short films have won awards, including "DVA" and "How to behave" at the Lausanne Underground Film and Music Festival (Switzerland) and "Bobok" at the New Holland Island International Debut Film Festival 2021 (Russia).
She has taught at the Moscow School of New Cinema and has given master classes related to analog film. She also works as a film editor.

In 2023 and 2024, Alexandra is teaching and working on her projects at ENSAD Nancy as part of an art residency.


2023 / 16mm / color / sound / single screen / 33' 00 / 126 €
distribution: DCP on server or Digital file on server
  BOBOK - Бобок
2021 / HD / color / sound / single screen / 15' 00 / 64 €
distribution: Digital file on server
LAST WORDS - Последние слова
2020 / 16mm / color / sound / single screen / 8' 08 / 50 €
distribution: Digital file on server
2019 / Video / color / sound / single screen / 21' 14 / 87 €
distribution: Digital file on server
  HOW TO BEHAVE - Как себя вести
2018 / HD / color / sound / single screen / 11' 50 / 51 €
distribution: Digital file on server